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1. A Very Small Number: Telu Pentung Telu (T)Telu Pentung Telu is defined as the smallest "large" number in trailing standard factorial (trailing: multipe factorial after the number n). Why? Since 3 is smallest number that produce large number (unlike 2 that only produce 2 no matter how large is our trailing factorial). And three regular factorial is the first amount of factorial that we see a big jump.
Telu Pentung Telu (T) is 3!!! Trivia: Telung pentung telu literally translated as "three (the number 3) three bats" in Javanese. Bat as in baseball bat. Factorial notation (!) is very similar to baseball bat.
2. Combining Factorial-like Notation and φ Function𝜑 function is a function that count the number of trailing factorial-like notation after the argument (the n). Thus, 𝜑 function need certain factorial-like notation to exist. For example, we can have the strongest 𝜑 function (Φ𝜔(n)) but using the weakest factorial-like notation (regular factorial). Or vice versa, the weakest 𝜑 function (𝜑0(n)) combined with the strongest factorial-like notation (n{wm). To combine the two, we will devise a notation 𝜑(n) | !z𝜑 function defined in system of factorial like notation (symbolised as !z) Example:Φ𝜉87(120) | !543134Φ𝜉87(120) defined in system of !543134 2.1. Ultimate Factorial Notation (UFN)We will using the strongest factorial-like notation: n{nn We will iterates the number of trailing factorial-like notation using the strongest 𝜑 function: Φ𝜔(n).We call this function "Ultimate Factorial Notation" or UFN. UFN(n) defined as Φ𝜔(n) in a system of n{nnUFN(n)=Φ𝜔(n) | n{nn 3. Big Number Defined3.1. Telung Pentung Telu Kathah (TK)"Kathah" means "many" in Javanese.
=Φ𝜔(T) | n{TT
3.2. Telung Pentung Telu Gumedhe (TG)"Gumedhe" means "big" or "being big" in Javanese
3.3. Telung Pentung Telu Agung (TA)"Agung" means "very big" in spiritual-sense, or just very enormous.
3.4. Telung Pentung Telu Maha Agung (TMA)"Maha Agung" is one of His Name. In english, it may translated as "Omnipresent" since it's very big, God is everywhere at the same time.
3.5. Telung Pentung Telu Gusti Pangeran Kula (TGPK)This the largest number I've defined in this system of Googology. "Gusti Pangeran Kula" means "Our Lord", that is, God or Higher Divine Being.